
The following are the legal policies of Sugar Snap Shift LLC 

Client Privacy

 Sugar Snap Shift LLC will not share any of our clients’ personal information, photographs, results, or other personal details without their prior written consent.  Similarly, no testimonials will be shared without a client’s prior written approval. Identifying information in testimonials may be changed to protect client privacy.

View our privacy policy

Services Provided

 Sugar Snap Shift LLC  (which we refer to below as “we or us”) provides nutrition and exercise plans (the “Program”) developed by a trained holistic nutritionist and wellness coach.   We are not, however, a medical organization nor physicians and we cannot give you medical advice or diagnosis. We advise you to consult with your primary health care provider (e.g., physician or nurse practitioner) before starting this or any exercise or nutrition plan as it should be considered in relation to your personal medical condition. We also urge you to get periodic medical checkups. Weight loss can create physical changes that should be medically monitored.  The Program is not intended to treat any illness or disease.

The Program should not be construed as medical advice or diagnosis. The Program should not be interpreted as a substitute for physician consultation, evaluation, or treatment. You understand that it is your responsibility to consult with your primary health care provider before starting the Program.  

Results Not Guaranteed

You understand that individual results of the Program will vary and we cannot guarantee a particular outcome.   Your commitment to the Plan will be an important element in achieving your goals.  

Website Information

The information contained in this website is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as health or medical advice on any matter. We are not state licensed nutritionists nor dieticians and we are not creating a doctor-patient relationship with you.

Product Recommendations

Any companies or products mentioned by us, included in the Program or mentioned on or are not affiliated with us and we are not liable for any negative repercussions sustained from using recommended products.  You understand that you are responsible for understanding your own body and the health risks involved in consuming a dietary supplement or following a meal plan. We urge you to consult your primary care physician to verify that a product is appropriate for you.

Consumer Bill of Rights

Be sure that your decision to use Sugar Snap Shift LLC services and offerings is an informed one by reading this Consumer Bill of Rights*.

  1. WARNING: Rapid weight loss may cause serious health problems. (Rapid weight loss is weight loss of more than 1 1/2 pounds to 2 pounds per week, or weight loss of more than 1% of body weight per week after the second week of participation in any weight loss plan.)
  2. Only permanent lifestyle changes – such as making healthful food choices and increasing physical activity – promote long-term weight loss.
  3. Consult your personal physician before starting any weight loss plan.
  4. Qualifications of this provider’s staff are available upon request.
  5. You have a right to:
  • ask questions about the potential health risks of this weight loss plan, its nutritional content, and its
  • psychological support and educational components.
  • know the price of treatment, including the price of any extra products, services, supplements and
  • laboratory tests (if applicable).
  • know the plan duration that is being recommended for you.

* Developed by the Department of Consumer Affairs in New York City